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 Phù Cát-BĐ


Phù Cát-BĐ

Thương hiệu: Khác
Loại: Khác

1/ Order under 250,000 VND (no discount):

+ Buy 1 product: 37,000 VND

+ Buy more than 1, add 6,000 VND on each extra product buying

2/ Order above 250,000 VND (no discount):

+ Buy 1 product: 35,000 VND

+ Buy more than 1, add 5,000 VND on each extra product buying

3/ Discount order under 400,000VND

+ Buy 1 product: 40,000 VND

+ Buy more than 1, add 7,000 VND on each extra product buying

4/ Discount order above 400,000VND

+ Buy 1 product: 37,000 VND

+ Buy more than 1, add 6,000 VND on each extra product buying

5/ Order of FIFA Quality Pro and FIFA Quality Balls (no discount) above 1,000,0000 VND:

+ Freeship (quantity under 10 pieces)

6/ Order of clothing and footwears (no discount) above 1,000,000 VND:

+ 30,000 (quanity under 5 pieces)

7/ Accessories, clothings, shoes under 200,000 VND:

+ Customer pays for shipping fee

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